
Dirk Arnold is professor of Oncology at the University Hamburg, and Head of the Asklepios Tumorzentrum Hamburg, the largest network cancer center in Northern Germany. He underwent training as Medical Oncologist and Hematologist at Charité Berlin, and held academic positions at University Halle-Wittenberg and Freiburg (Germany) and the Instituto CUF de Oncologia (Lisbon, Portugal). His main research interest is innovative treatment in GO cancers, with a focus on early clinical trials and translational research projects. As leadership roles in ESMO, he is serving to the Board of Directors , and has been responsible for all Gastrointestinal Cancer Guidelines for many years. Dr Arnold is also member of ASCCO and a co-chair for colorectal cancer research at the EORTC GI Cancer Group., Overall, has published more than 300 peer-review manuscripts.